What Is VPS Hosting? Best Option for Your Site


Every website, regardless of its size or purpose, requires a reliable web server for hosting. Websites vary greatly in size and structure, ranging from expansive multi-page platforms to concise, one-page representations tailored to specific business needs.

The selection of an appropriate hosting solution plays a pivotal role in determining a website’s performance, accessibility, and overall success.

A web server serves as the central repository where all data, including website files, is stored. Hosting, in turn, is the service that offers server space to house these files.

When a user accesses your website, their browser sends a request to the web server for the stored files. Once the server recognizes the legitimacy of the request, it promptly sends back the requested files.

This seamless exchange is at the core of how websites function, with the web server acting as the behind-the-scenes facilitator of data retrieval.

Starting a new business and getting into website ownership introduces you to a variety of web server options and providers.

Each hosting provider brings something unique to the table, and as a new business owner, picking through these choices becomes a crucial task.

Finding the right web server solution is necessary for the success of your website, and this decision-making process is where your journey as a website owner truly begins.

One notable option you’ll come across is VPS hosting. This type of hosting proves excellent for many businesses, especially if you’re just starting.

Honestly, it might be the optimal way to get your site up and running smoothly. VPS hosting offers a balanced mix of performance, flexibility, and control, making it a valuable choice for new businesses entering the online space.

In this blog, we will look at some basics of VPS hosting: What it is, how it compares to other available options, and the different types of managed web servers you can choose for your website.

What is VPS hosting?

VPS stands for “Virtual Private Server”. VPS hosting divides one big physical server into multiple “virtual” servers, each of which can be used by an organization to run its website.

To make this happen, a web server provider uses special software called a hypervisor. It helps create several virtual machines (VMs) on top of a physical server’s operating system (OS). Think of VMs like creating a pretend computer inside a real computer.

This way, you can run software meant for one type of computer on a different one. It’s like making a virtual world where the software can do its thing.

With a VPS, it works kind of like this — a hypervisor sets up virtual machines (VMs) on the server hardware. This splits the server into separate, virtual server spaces. What happens next is that each of these virtual private servers acts on its own, just like it’s its separate machine, even though there are many of these “servers” on just one piece of hardware.

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When you have your virtual server, you, as a website administrator, can set up the operating system and server setup just the way your website needs it. It’s like having your own private space online. Nobody without the right access can get into your virtual server or use its stuff. That’s why they call it a “private” virtual server.

Why Opt for VPS Hosting?

Businesses today understand the long-term value of VPS hosting and therefore are investing in the right solution from the very start. According to a study conducted by GrandViewResearch, VPS hosting is expected to reach a USD 8.3 billion market size by 2026. (source)

To figure out if VPS hosting is the right choice for your website, it’s helpful to compare it to its hosting siblings: shared hosting and dedicated hosting. VPS hosting can be viewed as a middle ground between these two options, offering a balance of quality, flexibility, and cost.

Depending on your needs and usage, there

are numerous free and budget-friendly VPS hosting choices available. Let’s begin by exploring shared hosting.

VPS Hosting vs Shared Hosting

Shared web hosting means multiple websites share one server, sharing all its resources like storage space and processing power. It’s the most affordable option, often costing just a few dollars monthly.

Shared hosting and VPS hosting both store multiple websites on the same server, but VPS takes it up a notch. In VPS hosting, each website is virtually isolated on its simulated server with its unique IP address. This brings several advantages over shared plans:

Speed & Resources

The most noticeable distinction between VPS hosting and shared hosting lies in how resources are allocated. In a shared plan, all websites on a server share their processing power.

This implies that if any single website experiences a spike in traffic, it impacts the performance of every other site on that server. Given that shared servers may host dozens or even hundreds of websites, this puts your website at risk of poor performance, potentially harming its reputation.

On the flip side, VPS hosting guarantees a certain level of computing power for each website nearly all the time. This means that VPS websites remain unaffected by traffic levels on other sites, resulting in faster loading times.

Additionally, if you ever require more storage space or bandwidth, many providers allow you to easily expand your limits.

Flexibility & Customization

Another benefit of VPS over shared hosting is greater flexibility and customization. Since VPS gives you your own private server space, you can change your OS, install (almost) any software you need, and access server files that you or your IT team can configure. For example, if you want to switch your database management software or server-side language, a virtual private server lets you do this.


Lastly, but crucially, websites hosted on VPS experience better security compared to those on shared servers. If there’s a security breach on your shared server, your website files could be at risk of theft, unauthorized access, or alterations. On a separate VPS, your files are shielded from attacks on the same physical server. This holds for true DDoS attacks as well, where attempts to overwhelm a server with traffic are less likely to affect the performance of your VPS.

Moreover, since admins have more freedom with their server software, they can install tools that add an extra layer of protection to their websites. While shared hosting is generally more budget-friendly, many websites eventually shift to VPS hosting as they grow—increased traffic and the need for heightened security justify the slight increase in cost.

For websites dealing with transactions and storing private data, opting for VPS is a common choice due to its security benefits. For instance, if you’re launching an e-commerce site, it’s strongly recommended to start with VPS over shared hosting to meet PCI compliance standards for online payments.

VPS Hosting vs Dedicated Hosting

When comparing a VPS Server to dedicated hosting, it’s essential to consider the security aspect. Websites on VPS typically enjoy enhanced security compared to those on shared servers. In the event of a security breach on a shared server, the files of your website might be vulnerable to theft, unauthorized access, or alterations.

On a separate VPS, your files are safeguarded from attacks on the same physical server. This security advantage extends to DDoS attacks as well, where attempts to overload a server with traffic are less likely to impact the performance of your VPS.

Furthermore, administrators in charge of VPS have greater flexibility with their server software, allowing them to install tools that provide an additional layer of protection for their websites. While shared hosting is known for being budget-friendly, many websites eventually make the transition to VPS servers as they grow.

The increased traffic and the need for heightened security justify the slight increase in cost. For websites involved in transactions and storing private data, VPS remains a popular choice due to its security benefits.

For instance, if you’re launching an e-commerce site, it’s highly recommended to start with VPS over shared servers to meet PCI compliance standards for online payments.

Managed VPS Server vs. Unmanaged VPS Server: Making the Right Choice

If you’ve settled on VPS hosting, your decision-making journey doesn’t end there. Broadly speaking, there are two subcategories of VPS you’ll need to consider: unmanaged VPS hosting and managed VPS hosting.

Unmanaged VPS Hosting: Flexibility with Responsibility

Opting for an unmanaged VPS Server provides you with maximum flexibility from your hosting provider. In this scenario, you take charge of various administrative aspects of your virtual server. Responsibilities include setting up your server environment, installing necessary software (such as a control panel, database software, and security tools), regularly updating your server software, safeguarding your server against threats, and addressing issues specific to your virtual private server.

However, it’s crucial to note that unmanaged VPS Server is best suited for those with a solid technical background to handle routine maintenance tasks or those with an IT team to oversee server management. In return, you gain more control over what you can install on your server and typically pay a lower monthly cost compared to the managed alternative.

Managed VPS Server: Simplicity with Support

For website owners lacking the technical know-how or an IT team to independently manage a virtual server, the ideal choice is a managed VPS server. With managed VPS plans, core server management becomes the responsibility of your web server provider. They handle the setup of your site with the necessary tools, address security concerns and software updates, and monitor your site traffic for any suspicious activity.

Additionally, you receive technical support from your web hosting provider, which proves invaluable when encountering performance issues that need swift resolution.

While managed plans come with a higher price tag compared to unmanaged ones, the extra cost covers essential server maintenance to ensure your site remains functional and high-performing.

If you lack the experience to manage it yourself, you’ll either need to hire someone with the expertise or opt for the managed route.

Final Take Away

In weighing the numerous advantages outlined above, it becomes evident that a managed VPS Server stands out as a decisive winner, proving great for your business and its expansion.

With assured hardware resources, a dedicated IP, autonomous servers, and comprehensive management, you can channel your energy toward the aspects of succeding your business to unprecedented heights. For those in the early stages of business and seeking an optimal blend of performance, cost-effectiveness, and a practical solution for their websites, Managed VPS Server emerges as the ideal choice.

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