How to Install Free SSL Certificate on Domain via CWP Panel

How to install a free SSL certificate on domain via CWP panel?

Secure Domain Name with help of Let’s Encrypt in CWP, it provides an SSL certificate for 3 months and after we can easily update the SSL certificate for free with Let’s Encrypt in CWP. This blog helps you to implement an SSL certificate on domains in CWP panel.


Secure Socket Layer

It is a protocol used for transmitting private documents via the internet, it uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to encrypt data: a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message.


1. CWP installed on centos(VPS)

2. Domain Name

Configure SSL

Firstly open the CWP on the browser with the help of the following URL:

https://domain_name:2038 and click on accept the risk and go ahead.

Now give credentials of the root user.

After this dashboard will be open and search for webServer settings in the left pane.

Select SSL Certificate option and after then select Auto SSL [Free] option.

Now select the appropriate User and Domain-based on your requirement.

After then click on Install SSL, apart from installing new you can also install manually or from the server.

After the domain attach successfully you can go test it with the various SSL checker

Now check your domain by typing in browser URL i.e

Redirect Traffic

You can also redirect traffic of HTTP to HTTPS by putting the following text in the domain_name.conf file and in CWP it is found under cd /usr/local/apache/conf.d/vhosts

Here found your conf file open it with vi editor and write the following code.

Redirect Permanent / https://domain_name.

CONCLUSION: After the above configuration, you will be able to use Free SSL certificate and also renew it from CWP.

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