Check with your current registrar to open the domain you want to transfer and Unlock the domain name at your current registrar
Enter the code you received from your previous registration agent to verify the change.
That's it! We'll get it done from here. The transfer will be completed within 5 to 7 days.
It's not difficult to transfer domain names. It's also easy to manage them, too. Cloudminister's checkout and the Account Panel are free of clutter and upsells, making managing domains simple and allowing you to focus on the important things.
Transferring a domain from one registry has been more simple! Receive assistance and advice from our experts at the Help Center anytime you require it. It includes support for the Concierge throughout the process of transferring.
The transfer process is automated, rapid and secure, so you'll get up and running in no time. Transferring your domain generally takes place behind the scenes, giving you more time to focus on your next great idea.
The top advantages of transferring your domains for Cloudminister include:
The cost is flat per domain. You'll never pay more than the initial cost and ICANN registration if needed.
Save any remaining time on your current registrations and add the year of registration for every transfer. This could result in substantial savings.
Support around the world no matter where you are. You will be able to speak with an expert in domains quickly and get issues resolved quickly.
Each ICANN accredited registrar must supply everything required to transfer your domain, including giving you EPP authorization codes. EPP authorization code to unlock your domain and make any changes necessary to WHOIS, including updating the information or removing privacy when needed.
If your registrar isn't permitting you to do all these, We suggest filing a complaint using the transfer complaint form from ICANN.